
February 2024

Port of Malindi Zanzibar. TIme and Motion study

Maritime operations Time and Motion study conducted in the port for development of port Key Performance Indicators as input into Port Improvement Charter.

(1 consultant)


September 2023

Port of Banjul, The Gambia. Time and Motion Study

Marine Asset Time and Motion study as well as Container Terminal Operations investigation carried out.

(1 consultant)

August 2021 to February 2023

Report compiled on the Development of a Conceptual Framework for the Development of South African seafarers

(4 consultants)


March 2019

Proclaimed Fishing Harbour Refurbishment Project.

Input given on condition of port mechanical assets. Re-instatement of harbours
(2 consultants)


February 2017

Inspection and evaluation of Port Assets.

Survey conducted in harbours in Western Cape region

(4 consultants)


January 2016 – Completed March 2016

Provision of tug-master for drydock and classification of harbour tug.

(1 consultant)


January 2016 – Completed March 2016

Input into proposed bulk cargo operation Angola.

Proposed bulk operation in Northern Angola. Project not feasible
(3 consultants)


November 2015

Four day workshop on Strategic Input into Port Pricing Models.

Activity based costing, pay as you go principle, relationship between port landlord and tenant workshop given to SADEC member countries port and revenue representatives.
(3 consultants)


October 2015

Maths and Science training for foreign students.

(2 consultants)


August 2015

Marine and vessel handling input into proposed new port on the Southern African coast.

(3 consultants)


June 2015. Completed

Audit on Marine historical artifacts on vessel due for sale

Owners were concerned that artwork and artifacts on vessel would be removed prior to sale. Developed a simulated vessel profile with positioning of all artifacts noted in Audit
(2 consultants)


May 2015 – Completed July 2015

Marine and vessel handling input into proposed buoy mooring for passenger vessels.

Project not feasible. Lack of reliable data.
(3 consultants)


January 2015. Completed October 2015

Expert input into East African Port Productivity

On the ground workflow carried out on Marine, cargo and container operations.
(5 consultants)


December 2014- Completed 2016

Provision of Relief Tug Master Madagascar

Provision of Port Manager Madagascar

(1 consultant)


December 2014- Completed 2015

Provision of Expert input Marine Incident South African Coast


December 2013- ongoing 2018
Input given on Pilotage, Port Management and Navigation

(6 consultants)


February 2014. Completed May 2014

Provision of Expert report Marine casualty, SA Coast

Compilation of expert report on casualty
(3 consultants)


June 2012- Completed 2016

Provision of Expert input in marine fatality court case, Gansbaai

Report and expert testimony in court case
(1 consultant)

Evaluation of all marine related factors involved in Marine incident.
(6 consultants)


December 2013- completed 2014

Peer review South African Port

Evaluation of maritime conditions and proposals for expansion for port on the South African coast
(4 consultants)


September 2012 – Completed April 2013

Mozambique – Feasibility Study for Proposed New Bulk Port

All input into Marine Design, Operation, Training and simulation of vessel operation.
BMC Project

(30 consultants)


September 2011 – January 2013

Workflow Project Radio Holland

Project Management -Provision, Implementation, training and oversight – Workflow and company procedures investigation – Radio Holland South Africa
BMC Project

(3 Consultants)


July 2010

South African Police Services (SAPS) Specify, Adjudicate and Build Oversight Project Phase 2

Specify, Adjudicate and Build Oversight Project Phase 2 – which is for a further four 16m Deep Sea Patrol vessels.
(2 Surveyor/Consultants), BMC Project (2 Consultants)


October 2009 Completed June 2011

East African Community Transport Strategy Development Project – Maritime Strategy

Provision of expert marine input into transport corridors and main ports in East Africa, including Lake ports.

Sub Contractors to Aurecon – (Africon Ltd East Africa))

(3 Consultants)


March 2008-Completed 2010

South African Police Services (SAPS) Build Oversight Project Phase 1

Phase 1- Four 16m Deep Sea Patrol vessels (Build Project)(Work suspended – Shipbuilder liquidated)
(3 Consultants)


October 2009 complete January 2010

Namport – ISPS Audit

Undertake ISPS Code Audits for all Namibian Ports
(3 Consultants)


January 2008 and completed November 2008

Bangladesh Maritime Legislation Review

Translate and Compile SOLAS (Safety of Life at Sea) Convention into local Bangladesh Maritime Legislation.
(1 Consultant)


April 2005 and completed in September 2008

Mpumalanga Economic Development Project

A Skills Development Program for a Network of Small Exporters., consisting of a 5 Phase Project
BMC Sub Contractors to ADEC

(2 Consultants)


January 2008- Complete September 2008

Luanda – Angola – Passenger Ferry Service

Phase 1-Pre Feasibility Establishment of New Ferry Service – Plan and cost ferry service, vessel and infrastructure, (6 Months)
BMC Sub Contractors to Africon Ltd

(3 Consultants)


February 2007 – Completed September 2007

Namibia Port Master Plan Study Project for Namport

Namibia Port Master Plan Study Project for Namport, in the Ports of Walvis Bay and Luderitz (7 Months) (Joint Africon Namibia and Hamburg Port Consultancy Contract)
BMC Sub Contractor (3 Consultants)


February 2007

Independent Surveyor Project – Condition Survey of all SAPS Marine Craft

Independent Surveyor Project – Condition Survey of all SAPS (South African Police Craft (12 months)
(5 Consultants)


December 2006

Inland Waterways Vessel survey and build oversight.

Various inland waters passenger and small vessel safety insurance surveys and build oversight projects (9 months)

(2 Consultants)


December 2008

Inland waters passenger and small vessel safety surveys and build oversight projects

Various inland waters passenger and small vessel safety surveys and build oversight projects (2005-2008)  ( 36 Months)
(2 Consultants)


December 2007

Compiling and Translating International Maritime Conventions into Local Legislation. For UAR (Abu Dhabi)

Compiling and Translating International Maritime Conventions into Local Legislation. For UAR (Abu Dhabi) (9 Months)
(1 Consultant)

Smaller Projects (Less than 6 months)

Tug drydock oversight Durban

June 2012
Shark Cage Accident
Specialist Advice to legal team
1 Consult 2 weeks
BMC Contract Completed July 2012

May 2012
Mooring plan for Oil Rig Cape Town Harbour
Sub Tech 2 Consultants – 2 days
Completed June 2012
BMC Contract

May 2011
Various Vessel Safety Surveys for Noble Denton – On-going
! surveyor 2 to 3 days each
ND Contracts

2003  to 2008

Adjudicate tenders for SAPS 16m Patrol Vessels Phase 1- 4 Vessels
Completed March 2008 (1 month)
BMC Contract

Compile Specifications for SAPS 16m Patrol vessels Phase 1 (6 weeks)
Completed January 2008
BMC Contract (2 Consultants)

Various warehouse safety and cargo insurance surveys (6 Months)
Completed September 2008
(BMC Contracts) (3 Consultants)

South African Police Services (SAPS) project to report on proposed upgrade of engines in SAPS 16m vessel replacement program (1 Month)
Completed October 2007
BMC project (2 Consultants)

Various warehouse safety and cargo surveys (4 Months)
Completed December 2006
BMC Contracts (3 Consultants)

Implementation of Inland Waters Legislation project for Department of Transport in the RSA (9 Months) (4 Consultants)
Completed March 2005
BMC Contract

Project for ITE Consulting (South Africa) (RSA)/ NorControl IT (Norway) investigating and compiling statistics on AIS and Vessel Traffic Services Base Stations Networks Implementation (3 Months)
Completed December 2004
BMC Contract

VTMIS investigative project for UAR on Communications and Radar Systems (1 Month)  Completed December 2003
BMC Sub Contractor

Contact Information

BMC Africa – Burport Marine Consultancy (Africa) Pty Ltd.

Contact:  (+27) 84 729 1672

Cape Town, Republic of South Africa